
Hi there! Welcome to our blog! Here we are going to publish our experiences and activities of this trip Philadelphia and Washington 2010. Also photos! We hope you like it! :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Last Day

Today first we went by metro to the National Air and Space Museum,  we had a really good time and we went to watch an imax movie called ''legends of flights'', we went to simulator rides and a lot of more funny things. Later, we went to have lunch to the Mitsitam Cafe, at the National Museum of American Indian. Food was very good. After lunch we were suposed to go to the National Museum of Natural History, but it was closed, so we went to the American History Museum, which was very interesting.  There we saw the american first flag. Later we went to the Old Post Office Tower, were we acended to the top of the tower and we watched all the city. After that we went walking to the White House, which was very pretty. In front of the White House, there is a woman who is protesting since the year 1981, 30 years ago, and she lives there. She is against the nuclear weapons, and against Israel. We went to talk with her and we got really angry, she started saying that the holacaust never existed and she started steping on the Israel flag. Finally we went to the mall by metro and bought lots of cute things.
See you the day after tomorrow
Mica & Roy

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15, Happy birth day Anita!!!

Today was our first morning in DC. We had a delicious breakfast in the hotel and at 9:00 we went by bus to the Holocaust Museum. We spend all the morning there in small groups making a private tour through the museum. It was very sad and difficult although we learn alot and we liked it. We had lunch in the museum cafe. After that we went to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Then we went to the World war II Memorial. After that we went to the Washington Monument were we went to the top of it were you could see a very beautiful view of all Washington! Some of us could saw how Obama landed on the White House from his helicopter!!! Then we went to the FDR Memorial and we took alot of photos. Then we went to the Jefferson Memorial, Pentagon Memorial and to the Lincoln Memorial, were we took a lot of photos too and enjoy it very much although the wind. To finish the day we eat in the mall, where we bought a lot of things!! We rushed a lot!!
We dind't forget of Anita's birthday! We sang her happy birthday a lot of times!
Stephi and Nicky


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday, 14 of October

Hi everyone! We are Prisci and Juli, and today, Thursday 14 we went to school and said goodbye to everyone.It was so sad becuase we had a really great time with them in Philadelphia. Then, we went with the bus to the train station. At 11:00, our train left, and after 2:30 hours of travelling we arrived to Washington. We had lunch in the train station, and after leaving our luggage in the hotel, we went to de Capitol. It was very nice. After that, we took the subway to Kennedy Center, where we had dinner and watched a really great show called "Shear Madness". It was a commedy, where we had to discover who was the killer. We had a lot of fun in our first day of D.C!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday, October 13th...Our last day in Philly :(

Hi everyone!
Today we had a beautiful day in Philadelphia. The day started early in the morning (as always), so early that some of us woke up at 5:45 AM!
At school, we did plenty of things. Many of our hosts had the PSATS,  a "preparation exam" for their important STAS exam they´ll be taking next year. They had studied a lot, and the exam took plenty of time.
As they did the exam, we had a very interesting activity at the library. We saw a movie called "Like a fish without water", in which an Argentinian had emigrated to Israel and felt in love with his hebrew teacher. It made us remind a lot about our country, and its diferences with the USA and Israel.
After that, we had a regular shadowing day. We followed our hosts, going to classes and eating with them. Some of us had the luck of walking through the beautiful campus. It has a lagoon, a huge park, and many sports fields.
When the day was ending we felt really sad, because it was our last day at Barrack and we had to say goodbye to many new friends. Everyone at Barrack was really nice to us, they always helped us and talked to us. They are a very nice group.
Finally, each Argie went to their host´s house, and started packing and preparing everything for our next destination, Washington DC
Greetings to all of you

Martin and Ezequiel

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday October 12th

Today, Tuesday the 12th, we woke up very early as always, and we all met at school to take the bus together.
We arrived to the City hall but there, they told as that an elevator was broken so we couldn't get inside. After that we went to the love park were we took lovely pictures. Then we went to Betsy Ross house to see all her staff and things she used to make the flag of the United States of America and a girl that was supposed to be her explained us all, and then we walked in a very nice and old block were we also take lots of pictures and have a lot of fun. Our last place to go during the morning was the Federal Reserve Bank were money is put out of circulation, but unfortunately it was closed, and we finally went to have lunch because we were all very hungry at that time. We had lunch in a food court with lots of different variability of foods.
After lunch we spent all the afternoon in the Constitution Centre, there we first watch a woman who explained the history of how the nation was formed and goes up till the history of today, it represents all the citizens of the USA and their backgrounds. It was an interactive museum and we took pictures with the statues and there were lots of attractions. We left the National Constitution Centre, get into the bus again and we met with our hosts at school and go back to their houses.
We had a really grate time all together!

Byeee, Cata and Anita!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, October 11th

Hi everybody! Today is Monday, October 11th, we woke up, very early, and we went to school. At the school we did what our host did, such as going to classes, eat, etc. But we had two especial activities today, the first one was in the art room where we made mezuzot to take them as a gift, we designed them as we want. It was a very entretaining activity! The other especial activity was in the auditorium, where we got a class of improvisations. We did a lot of games, it was so funny! We spent a great time together. So, today we had a great day at school but then everybody went to each house and has a different activity. 
We are having a great time here in United States and we think everybody is happy with this trip.
Karen Wegbrait and Maia Pustilnik.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday, October 10th (Juli's Birthday)

Hi everyone, we are Mayra Stein and Florencia Tuchinsky. 
Today, it was a beautiful day, our first Sunday. Everyone went to different places, such as: amusement parks, New York, New Jersey or shopping like us!
It was a nice sunny day, perfect for being outdoors and celebrate, because today, it was Julieta Lumainsky's birthday!!! Unfortunately we didn't get to see her, but yesterday we were invited to a sleepover at her host's house. 

During the day, we went to an outdoor shopping mall called Suburban Square that is really pretty and full of stores. Later on, that night, we had a Chinesse dinner, it was delicious!
Now we are preparing ourselves to go to sleep, because tomorrow we have to go to Jack Barrack school again, and we are having some special classes!
Hugs and kisses, May and Flor.