
Hi there! Welcome to our blog! Here we are going to publish our experiences and activities of this trip Philadelphia and Washington 2010. Also photos! We hope you like it! :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8th

Today we woke up and got ready for school, took the yellow bus and an hour and a half later we arrived at school. We met some friends of our hosts and talked for a while with my friends till the soft bell rang, meaning that classes were about to start. Our first class of the day ended really quickly, maybe because we were all very sleepy. Later on and after a couple more classes launch arrived, it`s the same line for everyone, so you wait till your turn comes to pick up your food. After eating we played a quick soccer match with our hosts and their friends.
At the afternoon we had a fun class of hebrew in wich the teacher sang jewish songs in like 5 different languages!!! Then It was time to go back home. The school bus that took us to Cherry Hill, took 2 hours till it arrived home.
Finally we had a Shabat dinner with some neighbours while we were watching the Philly`s match against Cincinaty. Now it`s time to sleep so we will leave you and someone else will keep telling you about our next day in Philadelphia

Franco Lipinski and Guido Slavutzky

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