
Hi there! Welcome to our blog! Here we are going to publish our experiences and activities of this trip Philadelphia and Washington 2010. Also photos! We hope you like it! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

First day of school!

Hi! Today was our first day at school, we notice lots of difference between the Jack Barrack school and tarbut, Clases are shorter, they have only two only breaks, and they have to change of class every time a class finishes and sometimes we have to change from building . The school is so big that we can get lost, is has two different buildings and we have to rush for one to the other to get early to the class! The first class that Micaela had was hebrew and this subject is divided in like eight levels because of how you speak and she was in the best level everyone spoke so fluently and fast that seems to be their fisrt language and she didn't understand a word but then she has algebra and chemistry and in both subjects all the things the kids here were studying kids in argentina studied last year. In generally we had lunch with our hosts but some of them had to go to different clubs, like one which is called Riding Centre were kids who like are doing well in school help another that they are not so well in some subjects, or another club that is called Human Rights were some kids join to in a break get to together in a class an discuss different things that happen all over the world about this issue.About Roy' sexperience today, he  had a really good time with his host's friends and his host, all the clases were funny and very different from our clases at Tarbut Today we get out of school earlier so the school finshed at  2 15. we are having  a really good time here in Philadelphia and we hope we still having fun.
Roy Maleh and Mica Lezica

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