
Hi there! Welcome to our blog! Here we are going to publish our experiences and activities of this trip Philadelphia and Washington 2010. Also photos! We hope you like it! :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday 5 of October

Hi, today was the first day in Philly and we all met at school. At 8:30 we left school and went with a bus to all the history part of Philadeplphia. We went to the Independence National Historical Park, to the Liberty Bell and to the place where the declaration of the constitution was signed. A history teacher from the school came with us and explained very carefully everything. Despite the rain we had a lot of fun. Then we went to a market and had lunch, and after that we went to the museum of liberty which was very nice. Then, at 3:30, we returned to school, where our hosts were waiting for us. Everybody went to their house and had a snack. Around 7 we had dinner and then, at 11, we went to sleep.
We enojyed very much our first day in Philly.
Juli and Prisci

Liberty Bell

Congress Hall

Liberty Museum
Barrack school


  1. Nice to finally hear from you!!! I am happy that you are all ok and you are having a good time. I am expecting some photos to go along with the posts. Enjoy!!!

  2. Hi everyone!
    We're very glad to see how well you are and we would also like to congratulate you on your great behaviour.
    Roxi & Volder

  3. Hi to everybody. This is Andres (Stephi's father) from Rio de Janeiro. (should I write in Portuguese ?)

    Whith great pleasure and joy I am reading about your adventures in USA

    Keep on writing in the blog, we are eager looking for your news

    This is just for Stephi: Mike is missing you.

  4. Estan preciosos los chicos! Me alegro que lo esten disfrutando..
