
Hi there! Welcome to our blog! Here we are going to publish our experiences and activities of this trip Philadelphia and Washington 2010. Also photos! We hope you like it! :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

saturday, 9th of october

First weekend at Philadelphia!
Hi, I'm Cami Moguilevsky and I'm writing alone because I cannot match with my partners this day to write together.
We have been through a lot of fun stuff during the last days at school, and waking early, as the Franklin Institute, for instance.
But I think that today was the best day of all.
First because I get up at the tame that I want and, sleep 10 hours, wich is awsom.
But it was better also, because I have the freedom to do whatever me and my host choose, and not what the clases, schedules, or visits indicates.
So, when I woke up, I have breakfast and my host, Lili, was steel asleep so I was on  the computer, and then we go with Lili's das and Maia, my partner in Lili's hpuse, to rade the bikes along the different neighborhoods of the subur, wich was great because we saw in our way, lakes, and the day was really fantastic so we have really a good time.
Then we came back to lunch, and my host was already up, so we have lunch together and go to the mall.
Then we went to a Lili's friend party, in  which I had a great time because I could speak to everybody, and there were also "argies" (Argentineans) which I could speak to.
So it was a really goode and relax saturday, with all of the fun of being free of time!
We are really having an awsom time, and enjoying, even I;m sure we all miss.
hugs, and see you in a week
Cami moguilevsky

Hi I am Gero Today saturday was our first weekend with our host. First we ate a traditional American breakefast we went shopping to some cool shops, the we went to Wawa for lunch and then we went to a football game. After that we got back to the house and we get ready for a Cheesesteak (the best), when we finished that we went to de penitentiary of Philadelhia, there we got in and paid for one of the most scariest tour that I ever made.
I think this was the best dy of all until now because tmorrow we are going to New York so:
Happy weekend for ALL!!!!!!!!!!

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